What does it take to Dive Plura?
A few days ago someone asked me «What does it take to dive the Plura cave?» That question has been going through my head for several days. Plura is an enigmatic cave, it has taken the lives of several «intrepid» who challenged her passages and depth (I will not go into detail about human «fearlessness, we have enough with a pandemic one at a time). It is a cave in the limits of the Arctic Circle, the conditions are extreme, when something goes wrong there, it goes very wrong, from there you don’t just go with a scratch and a good scare.
The question goes beyond preparation, training, equipment, «bravery» etc. «What does it take to dive Plura?» So let’s start … First make contact with Ina who along with her family, owns the land where the small hole called Plura is. You need a plane ticket to cross half the planet, you need another flight ticket to get closer, and then a drive on snow and ice roads with landscapes taken from Tolkien’s tales. The necessary diving equipment (which is basically amount of -un chingo-); dry suit, the heated undergarments, the 10mm hood that won’t let you speak, lamps, cameras, and an endless number of gadgets that I don’t want to list, with that and a chainsaw to cut the ice you can say that you have everything to dive in Plura … Buuuuuut, as always there is a but, everything is true and with that it would be enough to say «I’m ready!», but let me stop there; This is definitely not enough, do you know what it really takes to dive Plura and be successful? It’s not just the cave diver, trimix, CCR, ice, instructor certifications, or over 40 years of diving for some, it’s not just the thousands of hours of cave diving experience.
What is really needed are friends, friends of those who you know are there and who do not let you down, with whom you count for good, the bad and the worst, and I can say I have 9 of those friends with whom I shared this expedition and that, dear readers, that is definitely a fucking hard job to find, the rest has a price, you get, you buy or you pay, friendship no, friendship is the most important thing to be successful when you decide to do one of these extreme missions that some call “suicidal». Friendship is the basis of success in these extreme dives, so you already know, if you ever want to dive in Plura, the most important thing is that you get a gang of very good loyal friends to dive one of the most extreme places on the planet.